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NEW PROGRAM!  We have put together a program to help Veterans

and the Elderly with affordable group housing.  ANY person that wants to be a part of this program contact Dale at 208-241-7438

(Professionals, IRA Holders, Investors) we are offering 7%+ ROI to help set these housing projects into motion.  Details will be provided to serious inquiries.  As Investors let's make a difference in other people's lives by reaching out and helping them.  Thanks.


For Investors with a smaller budget this may be a way to get your feet wet.  For a limited time and with an Agreement between the two of us we will use our capital to purchase auction properties for you at a 10% premium.  What this means is you can purchase auction properties without having to come up with all the cash up front.  We carry these contracts at 5 points above prime-rate for a limited time (usually no more than 12 months).  Your job is to rehab the property and get it sold as quick as possible to enjoy your profits.  Basically we put you in the driver's seat as if you had the cash.  You should have some experience in remodeling and in basic purchase & sales Agreements.  If not we can help you in this area as well.


Direct investment with turn-key project managment in place.  Minimum investment is $50,000 per share.  Estimated number of shares (15).  Remodel estimates equate to $197,000.  Share-Holders to own new LLC which will own the real estate and the newly formed business.  What this means is the newly formed LLC members will share in the new businesses profits as well as divide a monthly lease payment.  This is a double-digit return investment.  The property has already been procured.  We estimate final project cost to be between $750K - $1M.  We want to keep the cost down on this one because we would like to see the lease payment return at least 8% to the Investors -- giving over 15% with profit splits and 20%+ with appreciation.  (Click on PDF file for a Yearly Pro Forma break down.)


Have you ever wanted to invest your money into something real?  Something that you can go see, feel, walk on?  Something that always has value?  Then this investment is for you.  As a Professional the last thing you want to do is manage your investments.  We have Turn-Key real estate investments where you can receive anywhere from 6% to 20%+ on your money 100% managed by our company.  You get to see what you invest in, the cash-on-cash return.  Your investment truly becomes a 'Mail-Box' investment.  Meaning you simply go to your mail box and cash the check sent to you.  You can start out with as little as $10,000 or as much as $1,000,000.  We give you the options as to what to invest in, you simply choose, we do the work from there.  This is a perfect investment for Professionals that have little time.


We are currently working on gathering the funds necessary to procure and build a large 200 unit complex and mini-mall, along with an A&W.  Minimum investment will be determined at a later date.  We believe it will be a minimum of $50,000 per share with the option for groups to invest as one.  The bill on this one will be somewhere in the $8-12M dollar mark.  As events change we will update this site and contact all those interested.

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